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Apply to Work at Buley

Provide us the information below to apply to the Buley Library student worker hiring pool. This does not guarantee any positions are available, but makes you eligible for hiring. We prioritize hiring students eligible for Federal Work Study. We keep applications in our hiring pool for the entire academic year. They are cleared out each May.

* is required

Student Status: *
Enrollment Status: *
Are you elibible for Federal Work Study? *

You can lookup this information in Banner Student. Instructions on how to do that are below:

  1. Go to and log into your account with your school email.
  2. Click 'Banner Student'.
  3. Under Student Services, click Financial Aid.
  4. Click 'Award Offer'
  5. Scroll to 'Work' section.

If attaching a screenshot, please include your award amount for each semester. An example can be seen below:


How did you hear about working for us? *